Image and Vision Computing '03
New Zealand

26-28 November 2003
Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

Submissions: (Call for Papers)

IVCNZ 2003 will include tracks on technical papers, posters, and invited speakers. Submissions for technical papers are invited in all areas of Computer Vision, Image Processing, Visualization, and Computer Graphics. Research papers in science, engineering, sports, and medicine are welcome, as is any contribution that reports on new or exciting findings or demonstrates new industrial applications of vision or graphics technologies. The posters program offers a unique opportunity to showcase case studies, work-in-progress, student projects, or non-traditional research. Posters will be displayed for one full day with time for the presenters to have one-on-one dialogue with attendees.

Contributions are invited for topics including, but not limited to:

  • AI approaches to computer vision
  • Automated visual surveillance
  • Calibration techniques
  • Computer graphics and virtualised environments
  • Data mining and data fusion
  • Enhancement of video and still images
  • Feature detection and feature extraction
  • High-precision 3D measurements
  • Image compression and coding
  • Image analysis and understanding
  • Mesh acquisition and simplification
  • Motion tracking and analysis
  • Novel algorithms or techniques
  • Object recognition
  • Pattern recognition, clustering, and classification
  • Reconstruction techniques
  • Scientific visualization
  • Signal processing
  • Sonar and acoustical imaging
  • Statistical inference and characterisation
  • Stereo analysis
  • Shape recovery from multiple images
  • Vision and visual processing
  • Visualization of temporal sequences and data
  • Wide-area scanning technologies

All submissions (technical paper and poster) should be as complete manuscripts (4 to 6 pages including references) since all submissions will be peer reviewed by a panel of experts in the field. Both poster and technical paper submissions will be permitted six double column format pages in the proceedings. Templates for the final camera ready paper are available in PDF, Latex or Microsoft Word formats.

Submissions should be made electronically as Postscript or PDF files, sent to before August 22, 2003. With your submission be sure to include the following:

  • Your complete paper
  • Whether you prefer oral or poster presentation
  • Affiliation and contact address of each author
  • A short biography of the presenting author

In submitting a paper the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final manuscript in time for the inclusion into the published proceedings, and will present the paper at the Conference. Final manuscripts will not be published without advance registration.